Hi, my name’s Julian, and I started this website in 2004 to share my passion for kayaking, canoeing, fishing, camping, and the Great Outdoors.
I live in Colorado, where abundant opportunities exist to explore nature and embark on new outdoor adventures every month of the year.
This site has grown considerably over the years, and the sport of kayaking has grown along with it. Today paddling encompasses more than just kayaking and canoeing; it includes wave surfing, stand-up paddling, and other niche sports. Many anglers now use yaks as fishing platforms, and competitive kayaking is a growing, vibrant sport of its own.
I’ve met many wonderful people through this website over the years, and I get weekly emails from paddlers and outdoor enthusiasts who want to share their experiences and paddlesport adventures. I’ve heard from folks in Russia, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina, Mexico, and many other countries worldwide. And they all share a passion for getting out there, spending time with family and friends, and experiencing all that life has to offer.
So thanks for stopping by and having a look around. This site is updated regularly with new articles and information, tips and tricks, product reviews, and more. I write much of the content myself, but I also have some volunteers who contribute to the site, and we post items from guest bloggers and writers.
I hope you enjoy your visit here at the Kayaking Journal, and please come back when you get the chance. And if you’d like to drop me an email, you can use the contact form, and I’d love to hear from you.

Other Contributors
John “Trapper” Rudd
Address: Cutthroat Anglers Silverthorne, Colorado and Naples, FL Phone: 970–262–2878 Website:www.fishcolorado.com Email: jrudd2004@comcast.net
Bio: Trapper will fish anywhere, anytime, with anyone. Finding pity for land-lubbers, Trap spreads the lore of fly fishing to the masses both through his shop and during his extensive International travels. Admittedly, he would be happily lost at sea on a dingy if he had a fly rod and a handful of flies. Trapper is often seen on many Television and Cable flyfishing programs guiding friends and celebrities. The trap is also a regular feature on the Master Outdoorsman on ClearChannel radio. Trap has contributed to numerous books, articles, and features and is an “Editor at Large” for Flyfish America Magazine. We like to call it “Editor Livin’ Large.” Trapper was featured on “Legends of Rod and Reel” airing on “The Outdoor Channel” in 2008.Affiliations: Trapper is on the G.Loomis VIP fishing team and is sponsored by numerous angling companies. Fishing Location/Species: If it has gills and swims…Trap has caught it!
Steve Kean
Address: North Truro, MA Phone: 508–561–7102 Website:www.capecodfishingexpeditions.com Email: steve@capecodfishingexpeditions.com
Bio: Each fishing expedition is custom designed to fit your skill level and fishing goals. I will interview you first and ask how much experience you have, your physical ability, and, most importantly, your vision of the perfect charter. Only kayakers with intermediate or better experience are allowed on a kayak expedition. You must be very comfortable with a sit-on-top kayak. Kayaking the flats is generally pretty easy. Much of the paddling is done with the current, and not much fishing is done from the kayak. The kayaks are used mainly for transportation. Kayak fishing in the ocean is for experienced kayakers only. The water is deep, the current is strong, and many boats and fish are big. During your Cape Cod Fishing and Cape Cod Fly Fishing charter, you will fish prime locations along the Cape Cod National Seashore, the Monomoy Flats, and Cape Cod Bay. These are some of the best locations in the world to Fly Fish for Striped Bass and Bluefish from the shore and on the crystal clear flats. The Cape Cod area features endless sandy beaches with plenty of moving water, points, bowls, sluiceways, tidal rivers, and flats. All of the clear surrounding waters are rich with life. Stellwagen National Marine Sanctuary is located only 3 miles offshore.
Jerry Darkes
Address: Strongsville, OH Phone: 440–781–3906 Website:www.acs-thefishdog.blogspot.com Email: jdacs55@aol.com
Bio: Jerry Darkes is a fly tackle sales rep, instructor/guide, and writer based in northern OH. He has over four decades of fly fishing experience in fresh and saltwater and is recognized as an expert on Great Lakes steelhead and warm water fly fishing. He is also a member of the Scott Fly Rod Pro Staff. Darkes has been featured in several books, and video/DVD productions about Great Lakes fly fishing and has authored numerous articles about the region. He is also a well-known fly tyer and has created a series of Guide Patterns instructional fly tying DVDs focusing on Great Lakes steelhead and other gamefish. Affiliations: Patagonia, Scott Fly Rods, Scientific Anglers, Nautilus Reels, Eumer Tube Fly Components, Daiichi Hooks, Pacific Fly Group, William and Joseph. Fishing Location/Species: Based in northern OH, travel the Great Lakes region. My favorite fish is the one at the end of my line.
Ken Morrow
Address: Hinesville, GA Phone: 417–766–3003 Website:www.kenmorrow.net Email: ken@kenmorrow.net
Bio: Ken Morrow is a Certified Adaptive Fly Fishing Practitioner and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Angler Educator who serves as the Adaptive Fly Fishing Institute, Inc president. With over three decades of fly fishing and paddling experience, Ken specializes in fly fishing instruction and opportunities for people with various disabilities. The adaptive sports philosophy of helping participants achieve the highest independent function level they can without compromising their safety drives Ken’s approach. He has been featured on TV and in print, from ESPN’s Sportscenter to Florida Sportsman Magazine, and is a Contributing Editor at Florida Fly Fishing Magazine. Look for Ken’s first book in 2012, The Adaptive Fly Fishing Handbook. Affiliations: Peak Pro Fly Tying Team, Hexagraph Fly Rods, HaberVision, Temple Fork Outfitters. Fishing Location/Species: In-shore saltwater flats, beach, and backcountry fly fishing (Florida); fly fishing for trout (Rocky Mountains, Ozarks); and fly fishing for bass in streams (Virginia, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, and Florida).
Cory “Ruthless” Routh
Company: Ruthless Outdoor Adventures Address: Knotts Island, NC Phone: 757–403–0743 Website:www.ruthlessfishing.com Email: ruthlessfishing@gmail.com
Bio: Cory “Ruthless” Routh is a true pioneer of the sport of Kayak Fishing. He has over 15 years of Kayak Fishing experience. Ruthless has kayak fished in water from Texas to New York and even on the North Shore of Hawaii. He has been guiding in Virginia for 6-years and his company, Ruthless Fishing, is the longest-running kayak fishing guide service there. Cory is also an outdoor writer and author. His popular book “Kayak Fishing: The Complete Guide” is the bible of kayak fishing. Cory is very active with Heroes On the Water and Project Healing Waters; these organizations use kayak fishing and flyfishing to help wounded warriors. He is pursuing certification with the Adaptive Fly Fishing Institute to teach wounded warriors how to fly fish. Affiliations: Werner Paddles Athlete, Temple Fork Outfitters Advisory Staff, Mountain Khakis Ambassador. Yak Attack Gear Prostaff. Fishing Location/Species: From Panfish to Pelagics.
Cordell Baum Jr.
Company: Bonefish Whisperer Address: Miami, FL Phone: 786–499–9004 Website:www.bonefishwhisperer.com Email: cordell@bonefishwhisperer.com
Bio: I own and operate BonefishWhisperer, the #1 paddle fishing guide business in South Florida, and I hold every paddle fishing record for bones, permits, redfish, and GRAND SLAMS in Florida. We fish the west side of BISCAYNE BAY and URBAN MIAMI, as well as the EVERGLADES. Affiliations: Freedomhawk and Finatic Agling Art & Apparel Fishing Location/Species: I specialize in chasing BONEFISH on the fly.
Michael Frank
Address: Columbia, SC Phone: 803–673–0238 Website:www.franksflyarts.com Email:urbanfisher@earthlink.net
Bio: My name is Michael Frank, and I am a school teacher, owner, and lead guide of Frank’s Fly Arts guide service in Columbia, SC. Frank’s Fly Arts came about due to my desire to combine my teaching skills, passion for flying fishing, and the aquatic environment. I now offer fly-tying instruction, fly-fishing summer camps, and some of the most unique guided fly-fishing trips in the Southeast, where you can catch trout, smallmouth, largemouth, and striped bass on the same trip! Affiliations: Temple Forks Outfitters Fly Rods, Jim Teeny Fly Lines, Spirit River – Pro fly tyer and Homewaters Clothing Fishing Location/Species: Pond, and Lake Fly Fishing in the South Carolina Midlands region fishing for striped bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and trout.
Derrick Harper
Address: Bite Me Belize, Unit #533 San Pedro Town, Ambergris Caye, Belize, Central America Phone: 011–501–628–1338 International; 1-480-264-1300 USA / Canada Website:www.BiteMeBelize.com Email: belizefishing@gmail.com
Bio: Set among the backdrop of swaying palms in the tropical breeze, the sound of waves gently lapping at the soft sand shoreline. Bite Me Belize Fishing Adventures enables avid anglers to experience the joys of fishing the gin-clear flats of Belize. Enjoy the serenity of paddling this pristine tropical paradise as you meander your way through the vast variety of coves, bays, and lagoons fishing for Bonefish, Tarpon, and Permits. Relax and rejuvenate for the next day’s adventures in one of a selection of lodging choices from practical to luxurious. Fishing in Belize has never been more affordable than with Bite Me Belize Fishing. With over twenty-five years of saltwater fishing experience, we ensure an adventure you’ll remember for a lifetime. Affiliations: Elkhorn Fly Rods & Reels; Maui Jim Fishing Location/Species: Ambergris Caye, Belize – Targeted Species: Tarpon, Bonefish, Permit