Review, Bic

BIC Sport Borneo Kayak Review

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While some of us do prefer a solo trip when paddling, and therefore require the use of a one-man kayak for optimal performance, there are some who would rather take a partner with them, and require a larger kayak. These kinds of people usually need plenty of room for cargo as well, and look for a stable kayak that will allow them to enjoy paddling in its entirety. Comfort is also a key necessity, especially in the so-called ‘leisure’ paddling market, as these are usually people who aren’t aggressive, and need their kayak to simply do the job. This is where the BIC Sport Borneo kayak comes in. It’s a family kayak with a few innovations that place it above the playing field, and there’s a pretty big chance that you will enjoy it the minute you start using it. If you think that this is the kayak you need, read on for the full BIC Sport Borneo kayak review, and see what sets it apart from everything else in the market, and why this might be your next adventure purchase.

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Description and Features

The Borneo by BIC Sport is a two-paddle, family-sized kayak. The kayak is designed to carry two adults, and there’s also room for a child as well, plus their cargo. It’s worth noting that the kayak can also be paddled solo, with the same level of comfort. The hull has a THD, or Triple Hull Design shape, which offers amazing glide and excellent maneuverability, all while keeping stability to a maximum. The construction is actually inspired by the construction of trimarans. It has a large, central section with narrow water channels, as well as two outer sections which provide the stability, without compromising on speed. The two concave sections which come as a result of this design, vastly improve the performance of the kayak. The Borneo is also very fast, mostly due to the hull construction, and you will notice this whether you’re paddling solo, or with a partner.

The seats of the BIC Sport Borneo kayak are developed to give you optimal paddle comfort. This means that the back rest is flat, and inclined towards the rear near the bottom, which prevents your pelvis from being pushed forwards. In less scientific terms, this means that your legs will be more relaxed, and you will need to apply less pressure on the foot rests, resulting in a far more comfortable position. The center of gravity is also set low down, yet above the floatation line, and the seats stay dry, yet stability is excellent. If you have a kid with you, you can rest assured that even if he/she decides to hang over the age and put his/her hands in the water to relax and cool off, the kayak won’t lose any of its stability or tracking ability.

About those innovations mentioned earlier, the most important one is the transport system the Borneo incorporates. On the keel of the kayak is an axle, and you get two wide-tire wheels that you can mount on it, allowing you to transport the kayak with ease. When you get to the water, the wheels are removed and stored inside a very cleverly designed hatch in the rear cargo area. The cargo area is spacious enough for you to be able to take everything you need with you. One downside worth mentioning, however, is that the kayak is a bit on the heavier side, so you might need to think about transport and carrying it around, especially when you need to put it on a roof rack.


When looking at your next adventure purchase, the BIC Sport Borneo kayak is made to cater to a specific market, and boy does it do the job well. If you’re paddling with a partner, and you potentially have a kid with you, this is the kayak you’re looking for. Stability, speed, maneuverability and comfort are all taken care of, and the unique transport system means that you can drag it along with ease. All in all, it’s an excellent tool for the job if it fits your requirements.

Where to Buy



BIC Sports Official Site

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About Julian Thompson

cb787c59d2808e1f609076e790ca977e?s=90&d=mm&r=gCertifications: Certified Kayaking Instructor (AKA)
Education: American Kayak Association
Lives In: Denver Colorado

I am a kayaking expert/instructor who has been fishing for over 15 years. Fishing is my passion, but kayaking keeps me on the water. I love to share my knowledge of techniques and tips with others. I live in Colorado with my wife and two kids and own a small kayak rental business On Grand Lake where I rent and instruct.

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