Review, Sun Dolphin

Sun Dolphin Camino 8 Review

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While a number of people opt for larger kayaks, which truthfully come with more stability and a bit better performance, there is also a crowd that doesn’t want to struggle with having to ask for help every time they want to unload the kayak from their car, or put it back on top. These people would rather get something that is a bit smaller, yet doesn’t sacrifice a lot of performance, and can carry them along with some small amount of gear. However, the market for such small, lightweight kayaks isn’t that big, yet you might be confused. You might think that an inflatable kayak would be better for storage and carrying, but the performance of a hard shell is undoubtedly better, and the best compromise between both worlds would be to get a small, hard shell kayak that you can carry around by yourself and that won’t take up much of your precious space, be it on your car, in it, or in your storage shed back at home. If you’re such a person with these demands, you might want to read on for the full review of the Sun Dolphin Camino SS 8-Foot sit-on-top kayak – a small, yet wonderfully designed vessel that offers great performance at an amazing price.

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So why the Sun Dolphin Bali 8?

As its name suggests, the Camino is the smaller, 8-foot brother of the Bali 12-foot kayak. It’s a sit on top kayak, and the seat is padded and adjustable, meaning it will fit a number of various people, and they can all adjust it to their liking. This is an important point, as there are a number of users who find themselves uncomfortable in a number of kayaks, even though they try a few different positions. An adjustable seat solves this with ease. The seat is very comfortable, comes with a high padded backrest, and you can go for a few hours without stopping for a break without having any issues with seating. The large, open cockpit will grant you easy access to the seat, and ensures enough wiggle room so you don’t feel clamped down in the kayak when you stay in it for extended periods of time.

When discussing performance, you will notice that due to its size, it’s not really meant for speed. However, with a little experience, you can more than make up for this with good paddling technique. The hull is solid, and will offer great performance on the water. The kayak offers a smooth ride, and will track great on both calm or mild waters. What you should be careful about is the square stern, as it tends to fishtail when you’re paddling too fast, so if you want to have a smoother ride, you should keep a steady pace and you won’t be let down. However, that same square stern will add a lot of stability, and turning is extremely easy due to the size of the kayak. Keep in mind though that it is primarily meant for a relaxing trip, and not speed.

Storage is actually as good as it can be with a kayak of this size. It does come with a couple of storage compartments, but you can’t really fit much more than the essentials for a day out. It should also be noted that the maximum weight limit for the kayak is 225 lbs, however there are quite a few people who noticed that even with around 200 pounds, the kayak sits fairly low in the water.

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Features Of The Sun Dolphin Bali 8

camino 8 sun dolphin

Final Verdict:

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on an expensive kayak, and you don’t have where to store it, the Sun Dolphin Camino SS 8-foot sit-on-top kayak is an excellent choice. It’s a small, cheap, lightweight kayak that can take you out on a relaxing trip with ease, and you won’t struggle with putting it back in or on your vehicle to take back home. It’s a great choice for both experienced paddlers and beginners alike, so if the aforementioned description fits your requirements, look no further than the Camino SS 8-foot, as you can’t really go wrong with it.

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Sun Dolphin Official Website

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About Julian Thompson

cb787c59d2808e1f609076e790ca977e?s=90&d=mm&r=gCertifications: Certified Kayaking Instructor (AKA)
Education: American Kayak Association
Lives In: Denver Colorado

I am a kayaking expert/instructor who has been fishing for over 15 years. Fishing is my passion, but kayaking keeps me on the water. I love to share my knowledge of techniques and tips with others. I live in Colorado with my wife and two kids and own a small kayak rental business On Grand Lake where I rent and instruct.