BKC UH-TK219 Review

5/5 high performance great features |
This doesn’t help consumers a lot – it actually makes things even harder for them. Some manufacturers, such as Brooklyn Kayak Company, have figured this out, and taken it into account when making their products. A prime example of this is their UH-TK219 kayak. It’s a large, sit-on-top tandem kayak which gives you all the essentials a fishing kayak should have. It does have a couple of extras over other manufacturers, of course, but they’re all things that you would genuinely need and use – not just gimmicks that are there for the sake of being there.
So, should you be looking at this kayak for your next purchase, or should you look for something else? Read through our BKC UH-TK219 review, and find out.
Looking for more tandem kayaks? Read the best fishing kayak here.
Build Quality and Construction
To begin with, the UH-TK219 has quite a reputation to live up to – BKC are a well-renowned kayak company. The build quality absolutely lives up to the hype. The material of choice for the hull is HDPE, or high-density polyethylene, which is very popular with kayaks. It is lightweight, yet very strong, to begin with. It’s also impact resistant, which means that smashing your kayak into a rock shouldn’t do more than scratch the hull. Don’t try that, though. Weather and UV resistance is also excellent, so you can be sure that it won’t lose its properties or get damaged over time by simply sitting in your back yard. It’s also resistant to mold and rotting, which adds to its durability, to wrap things up.
The empty kayak weighs around 68 lbs., which is very lightweight for the 12 feet 2 inch tandem behemoth that it is. It comes with a maximum load capacity of 440 lbs., which should be plenty for you to fit in two people and plenty of gear. Or, you could fit three people and the essentials – you get that choice, too. At the same time, it’s comfortable enough for a family of three, yet nimble and lightweight for you to be able to paddle it solo. It actually comes with two of BKC’s deluxe seats, which are very comfortable. There are four carrying handles on the UH-TK219, which makes transportation a breeze if there are two people there, let alone three.
Why Is It So Good For Fishing?
When you’re getting a fishing kayak, there are a few things that you must look for if you want your fishing experience to go as smoothly as possible. The first is the fishing gear compatibility and availability of mounts, then you have paddle rest options, and last but not least, the cargo area.
The UH-TK219 takes care of the fishing gear very well. In total, there are six rod holders. Four of them are flush-mount, so you can set your fishing rod and forget it, and two of them are adjustable. That means that you can have three people with two lines in the water each – more than you would ever need, right? More mounts than this, and we’re moving out of the “actually useful” category, and going towards “bragging rights”.
Next, let’s discuss the paddles. The UH-TK219 does come with two paddles, which work very well and are just the right dimensions for the kayak at 86”. However, when you’re out on a fishing trip, you’ll actually want a way to store those paddles when your priority are the fishing lines. On the hull of the kayak you will find paddle rests that allow you to secure the paddles to the hull. Unlike other kayaks, your paddles will be secure here, even in rougher waters, or if you happen to bump them, for example.
The last thing we mentioned when looking at a fishing kayak is the cargo area. When shopping, you’ll want to be sure that you have enough room for all of your gear, as well as the fish you might’ve caught, and food and water for your trip out. The BKC UH-TK219 has more than enough room for all of this. At the stern, you will find a cargo area that’s covered in bungee tie-down straps. Larger items, such as your backpack, can be easily stored here, and they’re fairly safe, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out. You’ll also have food, and potentially electronics that must remain safe and dry, and bungee cords don’t cut it for them. However, the two watertight storage hatches might do the trick. One of them is at the front, and another one is at the back, so you should have plenty of room for everything. All things considered, you can grab just about anything you need when you’re out on the water.
Wrapping Things Up – Should You Get It?
There’s one thing that must be said about the BKC UH-TK219 – it is certainly not for everyone. Some people may even consider it overkill if they prefer going fishing by themselves, while others may want more storage or more rod holders.
However, if you find that it has everything you want, you can rest assured knowing that the quality is more than incredible. Everything on the kayak works as it should, with no problems whatsoever. If you’re looking for a good all-round fishing kayak for you, and maybe a friend or a partner, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better, more complete solution than Brooklyn Kayak Company’s UH-TK219.