Review, Sun Dolphin

Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 Review

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The great debate of getting a sit-in kayak vs. getting a sit-on-top kayak has been going for ages. Everyone has an opinion, and most come with solid facts that give advantages to both categories. Both groups come with pros and cons, and both are suitable for different purposes. However, whichever you choose, and whichever is better for what you need, you end up with a sea of options, which might be confusing, especially if it’s your first time buying a kayak. If you do end up choosing a sit-in kayak as your first option, and you’re in the market for a well-priced, entry-level kayak that will get you from point A to point B, take a look at the Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 sit-in kayak review. It’s an excellent option that gives you a lot of kayak for your money, so read on.

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Weighing the pros and cons of the Sun Dolphin Aruba 10 sit-in kayak

We’ll kick things off with the pros, and there are plenty. The first one is the durability and choice of materials. The Aruba 10 uses high-density polyethylene, which means it will survive most of the things you might run into, and the material is relatively resistant to damage. You might notice dents, but they’re easy to repair at home and don’t take a lot of time to do. The choice of material is also good as far as weight is concerned, since the entire kayak weighs in the vicinity of 40 lbs., meaning you can carry it from your vehicle to the water, as well as launch it with ease.

Performance is stellar, and the Aruba 10 comes with a narrow bow and stern design which helps keep it on track. Instead of pushing through the water as plenty of kayak models do, it slices it, making sure you spend much less effort than some competitive designs. With its weight, you also get some extra tracking stability considering it sits very lightly on the water. You will also find that it gives you maneuverability that you would come to expect from kayaks in a much higher price range. You can use it for quite a few different purposes, such as fast rivers and maybe even some rapids, even though it’s recommended for relaxed cruising.

As far as comfort is concerned, you will find that the inside is surprisingly spacious, and the cockpit is large enough for you to be able to get in and out of it with ease. The seat is also fairly comfortable, even for longer periods of time, especially with the high back support. You also get adjustable seats and leg straps, which let you customize the interior to your needs and desire. And, the built-in spray deflecting collar will make sure you remain drier. Storage is maxed out at 250 lbs., with the storage options being the covered storage compartment behind the seat and a bit of room for gear around your feet.

Moving on to the cons, the storage mentioned above is the biggest one of them all. The compartment behind the seat is no greater than a shoebox, and if you’re over 5’8”, you’ll have practically no space in the cockpit, making it very limited and unfriendly for certain people, such as anglers. And one more thing, even though I mentioned you could use it for faster rivers and potentially Rapids, keep in mind that it was made to be a flatwater kayak, and waves higher than a foot might cause you problems.

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aruba specifics

Final thoughts

The Aruba 10 is an excellent choice, especially when you factor in the price. It is an entry-level kayak or a stepping stone to something better and bigger. However, keep in mind that even though it’s usable on multiple types of water, it doesn’t excel much on any. To sum things up, if you’re going for something that will get you out on the water on a budget, look no further.

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Sun Dolphin Kayaks Website


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About Julian Thompson

cb787c59d2808e1f609076e790ca977e?s=90&d=mm&r=gCertifications: Certified Kayaking Instructor (AKA)
Education: American Kayak Association
Lives In: Denver Colorado

I am a kayaking expert/instructor who has been fishing for over 15 years. Fishing is my passion, but kayaking keeps me on the water. I love to share my knowledge of techniques and tips with others. I live in Colorado with my wife and two kids and own a small kayak rental business On Grand Lake where I rent and instruct.